Climate change
Climate change is going to affect New Zealand’s environment and economy.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has organised a series of case studies, fact sheets and background information to provide landowners and managers perspectives on likely outcomes of climate change on their land and business. The documents are presented as pdf files, which means that you will need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view their contents.
We present this information in two forms:
- a grouped list with a summary of and link to each document (below)
- a search engine for locating specific information from the entire set of documents
Drought – Learning from the past
Will droughts become more prevalent in NZ?
What are some basic farm drought adaption strategies?
Downloadable file: ATACC_CS2_LearningFromThePast.pdf Sustainable forestry: East Coast landowners capitalise on carbon trading
What is "The Permanent Forest Sinks Initiative"?
What are "carbon sinks"?
What are the participant landowner's obligations to the PFSI?
Do carbon offsets have an economic value to the land owner?
What are the other potential benefits of marginal farmland afforestation?
Downloadable file: ATACC_CS5_SustainableForestryNgatiPorou.pdf Bay of Plenty kiwifruit orchard: Balancing climate concerns with market realities
What are the main threats to kiwifruit orchards from climate change?
What are some of the practices that could be used on kiwifruit orchards to address climate change?
Downloadable file: ATACC_CS9_KiwifruitBOP.pdf Huia wine company claims climate change credentials
What is climate change?
What is carboNZero?
What are the main sources of carbon emission from the Huia Wine Companies operations?
What are the financial implications for HWC in joining carboNZero?
What was the most underestimated component of Huia Wine Companies carbon footprint?
Downloadable file: ATACC_CS10_HuiaVineyards.pdf Nautilus Estate: Using water wisely, to grow wine
What are the main expected effects on Marlborough’s wine growing industry due to climate change?
What management practices can be adopted to mitigate against possible climate change effects?
Downloadable file: ATACC_CS13_NautilusEstate.pdf Knapdale Eco Lodge: Sustainable, profitable, environmentally friendly
What are the climate change predictions for the East coast region of the North Island?
How can an ecologically low footprint be achieved?
What are some of the main drivers of land improvement programmes?
Downloadable file: ATACC_CS15_KnapdaleEcoLodge.pdf From coal to carbon neutral: Edgecumbe College school boiler conversion
What are the positive effects of switching from coal to biomass fuels?
What product gives the cleanest burn of any solid fuel type?
Downloadable file: ATACC_CS17_BoilerConversion.pdf Plantation forests: Risk management within a changing climate
What are the climate change effects expected for the Forestry industry in NZ?
Can forest managers implement management programmes to minimise forest wind damage?
What are the key considerations in managing a significant windthrow event?
Are pest and disease pressures in plantation forests expected to change through climate change?
Are weed pests pressures in plantation forests expected to change through climate change?
Downloadable file: ATACC_PlantationForestsRiskMgt.pdf Energy and irrigation efficiency: the dual drivers for change
What are the main drivers for energy efficiency in agriculture?
What is the most important first step in increasing on-farm energy efficiency?
How much energy efficiency can be maintained by properly maintaining a tractor?
What are the key components of consideration in increasing irrigation efficiency?
Downloadable file: ATACC_FS_EnergyIrrigationEfficiency.pdf Winegrowing in a changing climate
What are the main expected effects from climate change on winegrape growing in NZ?
What are some of the management practices wine grape growers can use to manage predicted climate change effects?
How many more Mealy Bug generations are expected in the year 2040 than now?
Frost events are expected to drop as the climate warms but does this mean that the risk of frost damage also decreases?
Downloadable file: ATACC_FS1_WineGrowing.pdf The science of soils: Managing our soils in a changing climate
What are the projected effects of climate change on NZ soils?
What are the expected benefits of increasing soil carbon levels to the framer/grower?
What are the management systems that can be used to maintain and increase soil carbon levels?
How can soil losses due to potentially increased wind runs be minimised?
Downloadable file: ATACC_FS2_Soils.pdf Pipfruit in New Zealand: The industry
What are the expected effects of climate change on local climates for the pipfruit growing regions in NZ?
What are the expected effects of climate change on pipfruit production?
What effects will expected climate changes have on pest pressures in pipfruit?
Is sunburn on pipfruit likely to be more prevalent with expected climate change effects?
Downloadable file: ATACC_FS3_Pipfruit.pdf What is the most commonly used form of renewable woody biomass?
Woody fuels are carbon neutral, true or false?
What are the advantages of wood chips and pellets over fossil fuels?
Downloadable file: ATACC_FS4_BioEnergyWood.pdf