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Weeds database

sorted by: common name | genus | family

  • Achillea millefolium
    Yarrow (Asteraceae)
    Yarrow (Achillea millefolium Asteraceae) is commonly found in pastures throughout New Zealand, though it is not really a weed ("unwanted plant") in pastures. It was ...
  • Amaranthus powellii
    Redroot (Amaranthaceae)
    This is a summer annual, dying off with frosts in late autumn. It prefers warmer conditions than many other summer annuals such as fathen, and so is most troublesome in the ...
  • Anagallis arvensis
    Scarlet pimpernel (Primulaceae)
    Scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis Primulaceae) is a relatively small, scrambling annual weed similar in size and growth habit to weeds such as scrambling ...
  • Anthemis cotula
    Stinking mayweed (Asteraceae)
    Stinking mayweed (Anthemis cotula Asteraceae) is an annual weed which mainly germinates in spring. It can be found in crops sown in spring, and also pastures that ...
  • Aphanes inexspectata
    Parsley piert (Rosaceae)
    Parsley piert is a small weed which grows commonly throughout New Zealand but is often not noticed. Because of its small size, it becomes a problem mainly in turf where it ...
  • Arctotheca calendula
    Cape weed (Asteraceae)
    This turf weed is generally considered to be an annual, though it may be a bit longer lived under some New Zealand conditions where the summers aren"t quite as dry as many ...
  • Bellis perennis
    Daisy (Asteraceae)
    Daisies (Bellis perennis Asteraceae) are generally well known to everybody, and many people have made daisy chains as kids. They mainly cause problems in lawns, ...
  • Brassica rapa ssp sylvestris
    Wild turnip (Brassicaceae)
    Once it is flowering, wild turnip is a tall, competitive annual weed, capable of causing large reductions in crop yields due to competition for light, nutrients and water. ...
  • Capsella bursa-pastoris
    Shepherd's purse (Brassicaceae)
    Shepherd's purse is a fairly small annual weed which can germinate at most times of the year and is very commonly found in crops and gardens throughout New Zealand. It is ...
  • Carduus nutans
    Nodding thistle (Asteraceae)
    Nodding thistle is one of the most competitive thistle species causing problems in New Zealand pastures. It is known as musk thistle is some countries overseas. The species ...
  • Carduus tenuiflorus
    Winged thistle (Asteraceae)
    Winged thistle (Carduus tenuiflorus, Asteraceae) is a winter annual, which means it generally establishes from seed in autumn, grows as a typical thistle rosette over ...
  • Cassinia leptophylla
    Tauhinu (Asteraceae)
    Tauhinu (Cassinia leptophylla Asteraceae) is a perennial scrub weed species which is native to New Zealand. It looks similar to manuka, but is not as widespread, ...
  • Chenopodium album
    Fathen (Amaranthaceae)
    This is one of the most competitive cropping weeds in New Zealand, and was fornerly classed within the Chenopodiaceae family. It is a summer annual, which means it germinates ...
  • Cirsium arvense
    Californian thistle (Asteraceae)
    Californian thistle (Cirsium arvense Asteraceae) is one of the most common thistle species in New Zealand. It is very troublesome in pastures because it is so ...
  • Cirsium vulgare
    Scotch thistle (Asteraceae)
    Scotch thistle (Cirsium vulgare Asteraceae) is a biennial weed, so it depends quite heavily on establishment from seed on a regular basis if it is to be found ...
  • Conium maculatum
    Hemlock (Apiaceae)
    Hemlock (Conium maculatum Apiaceae) is a biennial weed probably best known for its poisonous properties. As such, it is not welcome in pastures. However, there are ...
  • Crepis capillaris
    Hawksbeard (Asteraceae)
    Hawksbeard is often confused with a number of other weed species which look similar to it. In the vegetative phase, it is very difficult to tell apart from
  • Cytisus scoparius
    Broom (Fabaceae)
    As with gorse, broom (Cytisus scoparius Fabaceae) is another very troublesome scrub weed from the legume family. It isn"t spiny like ...
  • Elytrigia repens
    Couch (Poaceae)
    Couch (pronounced "kooch"; Elytrigia repens Poaceae) is one of the most troublesome rhizomatous weeds in flower gardens and crops, competing for light, nutrients and ...
  • Erodium moschatum
    Musky storksbill (Geraniaceae)
    Musky storksbill can be a problem both in turf and pastures. In turf, it forms large, unsightly rosettes. As they can be seen from quite some distance away, most ...
  • Fumaria muralis
    Scrambling fumitory (Papaveraceae)
    Scrambling fumitory is a clambering annual weed which can grow at any time of the year, though most germination is in spring and autumn. It is commonly found in flower ...
  • Galinsoga parviflora
    Galinsoga (Asteraceae)
    Galinsoga parviflora (Asteraceae) is an upright annual weed that is occasionally found in crops and gardens. It is not as common throughout New Zealand as other ...
  • Galium aparine
    Cleavers (Rubiaceae)
    Cleavers (Galium aparine Rubiaceae) is an annual weed which is often found in its vegetative stage over winter, and produces fruits in mid to late spring. It is ...
  • Hydrocotyle spp.
    Hydrocotyle (Apiaceae)
    Hydrocotyle (Hydrocotyle spp., Apiaceae) is the common name given for most species from the Hydrocotyle genus. Although there are ten species listed for this genus ...
  • Hypochaeris radicata
    Catsear (Asteraceae)
    Catsear (Hypochaeris radicata Asteraceae) is often confused with dandelion, and certainly has many similarities to both it and
  • Jacobaea vulgaris
    Ragwort (Asteraceae)
    Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris, formerly Senecio jacobaea Asteraceae) is a biennial weed which can cause major problems in pastures. It is most troublesome in ...
  • Lamium purpureum
    Red dead-nettle (Lamiaceae)
    Red dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum Lamiaceae) is a relatively small annual weed found in gardens and crops in most parts of New Zealand. It can grow throughout the ...
  • Leontodon taraxacoides
    Hawkbit (Asteraceae)
    Hawkbit (Leontodon taraxacoides Asteraceae) is a perennial weed often confused with dandelion and several other weed species which also ...
  • Lepidium didymum
    Twin cress (Brassicaceae)
    Twin cress (Lepidium didymum, formerly Coronopus didymus Brassicaceae) is an annual weed which can germinate at any time of the year, though typically it ...
  • Leptospermum scoparium
    Manuka (Myrtaceae)
    Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium, Myrtaceae) is a perennial scrub species native to New Zealand, and is probably our most troublesome native scrub species. It is ...
  • Leucanthemum vulgare
    Oxeye daisy (Asteraceae)
    Formerly known as Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, this perennial weed is most commonly found in waste places, especially along roadsides in many parts of the country. ...
  • Malva spp.
    Mallow (Malvaceae)
    "Mallow" (Malva spp., Malvaceae) is a term used to describe a whole group of species, several of which are quite difficult to tell apart. This page is dedicated to ...
  • Mentha pulegium
    Pennyroyal (Lamiaceae)
    Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium Lamiaceae) is mainly a weed of moist pastures and turf. Although it can tolerate some summer dryness, it generally only dominates ...
  • Oenanthe pimpinelloides
    Parsley dropwort (Apiaceae)
    Parsley dropwort is most commonly called "carrot-weed" in New Zealand, though this name can lead to confusion with wild carrot (Daucus carota) which is another ...
  • Oxalis exilis
    Creeping oxalis (Oxalidaceae)
    Creeping oxalis (Oxalis exilis, Oxalidaceae) is a small perennial weed which grows from stolons (creeping stems) and is typically found in lawns. Unlike many oxalis ...
  • Oxalis vallicola
    Pink shamrock (Oxalidaceae)
  • Paspalum dilatatum
    Paspalum (Poaceae)
    Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum Poaceae) is a grass weed which has very short stout rhizomes, which join plants together to form dense clumps. This weed is mainly a ...
  • Persicaria maculosa
    Willow weed (Polygonaceae)
    Although when growing in bare areas with few other plants around willow weed will scramble along the ground, it can also grow upright under some conditions such as within ...
  • Pilosella officinarum
    Mouse-ear hawkweed (Asteraceae)
    Mouse-ear hawkweed (formerly Hieracium pilosella and now Pilosella officinarum, Asteraceae) is often more commonly known by its former genus name, ...
  • Plantago lanceolata
    Narrow-leaved plantain (Plantaginaceae)
    Narrow-leaved plantain (Plantago lanceolata Plantaginaceae) is a very common perennial weed found in many lawns and pastures, and often in waste places as well. It ...
  • Plantago major
    Broad-leaved plantain (Plantaginaceae)
    Broad-leaved plantain (Plantago major Plantaginaceae) is a very common perennial weed found in many lawns and pastures, and often in waste places as well. It is ...
  • Poa annua
    Annual poa (Poaceae)
    Annual poa (Poa annua Poaceae) has been called by many different names, sometimes referred to by its botanical name Poa annua, or simply poa, or names such ...
  • Polygonum aviculare
    Wireweed (Polygonaceae)
    Wireweed (Polygonum aviculare, Polygonaceae) is closely related to willow weed, coming from the same genus. It is also a summer annual, but is able to establish ...
  • Polygonum hydropiper
    Water pepper (Polygonaceae)
    Water pepper (syn. Polygonum hydropiper; Persicaria hydropiper Polygonaceae) is a summer annual which is often found growing in pastures, especially along ...
  • Prunella vulgaris
    Selfheal (Lamiaceae)
    Selfheal is a perennial weed normally found in turf, though it can grow up to 30 cm tall if left unmown in waste areas. It is typically found in moist to wet lawns, but can ...
  • Pteridium esculentum
    Bracken (Dennstaedtiaceae)
    Most of New Zealand"s weeds are from the division of the plant kingdom known as Spermatophyta, which produce seeds. Bracken (Pteridium esculentum Dennstaedtiaceae, ...
  • Ranunculus acris
    Giant buttercup (Ranunculaceae)
    Buttercups tend to be a problem in moist dairy pastures. They can tolerate wet soil conditions better than many other species, including perennial ryegrass and white clover, ...
  • Ranunculus repens
    Creeping buttercup (Ranunculaceae)
    Buttercup species are tolerant of wet soil conditions, and so are often found in soils that are poorly drained. Creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens Ranunculaceae) ...
  • Ranunculus sardous
    Hairy buttercup (Ranunculaceae)
    Hairy buttercup is a common species found in dairy pastures throughout the country. It differs from the other two common buttercups found in dairy pastures,
  • Raphanus raphanistrum
    Wild radish (Brassicaceae)
    Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum, Brassicaceae) is mainly a weed of waste places and disturbed habitats in New Zealand.  It grows as an annual or biennial, ...
  • Rosa rubiginosa
    Sweet brier (Rosaceae)
    Sweet brier (Rosa rubiginosa Rosaceae) was originally grown as an ornamental rose, but is now a major scrub weed in the South Island, especially in Central Otago and ...
  • Rubus fruticosus
    Blackberry (Rosaceae)
    Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus Rosaceae) is a troublesome scrub weed in many parts of the country, both in pastures and forests. The hooks can trap woolly sheep, and ...
  • Rumex acetosella
    Sheep's sorrel (Polygonaceae)
    Sheep's sorrel (Rumex acetosella Polygonaceae; syn. Acetosa acetosella) has a creeping root system, which is very similar to a rhizome system. However, ...
  • Rumex conglomeratus
    Clustered dock (Polygonaceae)
    There are a number of different dock species that grow within New Zealand, of which broad-leaved dock would be the most common. However clustered ...
  • Rumex obtusifolius
    Broad-leaved dock (Polygonaceae)
    There are a number of different dock species that grow within New Zealand, but broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius Polygonaceae) would be the most common of these. ...
  • Rumex pulcher
    Fiddle dock (Polygonaceae)
    Fiddle dock (Rumex pulcher, Polygonaceae) gets its name from having leaves shaped like a fiddle (or violin). It is a common dock species found throughout New ...
  • Senecio vulgaris
    Groundsel (Asteraceae)
    Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris Asteraceae) is a small, upright annual. Because of its size, it tends not to be as competitive as some annual weeds found in cropping, ...
  • Sisymbrium officinale
    Hedge mustard (Brassicaceae)
    Hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale Brassicaceae) is an annual weed which can germinate at any time, though normally it germinates either in spring or autumn. It ...
  • Solanum nigrum
    Black nightshade (Solanaceae)
    Black nightshade is a summer annual, dying off with frosts in late autumn. As with fathen and redroot, it can grow tall and leafy, creating lots of competition with crop ...
  • Soliva sessilis
    Onehunga weed (Asteraceae)
    Turf weeds that put prickles in your bare feet when you walk across a lawn are never popular, especially in home lawns and recreational areas. Onehunga weed (Soliva sessilis Aster...
  • Sonchus oleraceus
    Sow thistle (Asteraceae)
    Sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus Asteraceae) is commonly found in crops, gardens and waste areas. As with many members of the Asteraceae family, it starts life as a ...
  • Spergula arvensis
    Spurrey (Caryophyllaceae)
    Spurrey is an annual weed, often establishing in autumn and flowering in spring. However, it can also establish in spring. Although not a large weed, it can grow densely, ...
  • Stachys arvensis
    Staggerweed (Lamiaceae)
    Staggerweed (Stachys arvensis Lamiaceae) is a reasonably small annual weed which tends to scramble across the ground rather than grow upright. It gets its name ...
  • Stellaria media
    Chickweed (Caryophyllaceae)
    Chickweed (Stellaria media Caryophyllaceae) is a reasonably small annual weed. It can germinate and grow at any time of the year, and commonly germinates in autumn ...
  • Taraxacum officinale
    Dandelion (Asteraceae)
    Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Asteraceae) has a number of closely related weed species that look similar to it, and all these species tend to get lumped together ...
  • Tradescantia fluminensis
    Wandering Jew (Commelinaceae)


    Wandering Jew (Tradescantia fluminensis, Commelinaceae family) is a succulent perennial plant that is an environmental weed, causing major problems ...
  • Trifolium dubium
    Suckling clover (Fabaceae)
    Suckling clover is smaller in size than many of the other clover species found within New Zealand. It is a winter annual, so it mainly germinates in autumn, grows through the ...
  • Trifolium repens
    White clover (Fabaceae)
    In agriculture, white clover (Trifolium repens Fabaceae) is considered to be highly desirable as it is one of the main species used in New Zealand pastures. It ...
  • Ulex europaeus
    Gorse (Fabaceae)
    Gorse (Ulex europaeus Fabaceae) is generally considered to be New Zealand"s worst scrub weed. It was originally introduced to New Zealand as a hedge species, but now ...
  • Urtica urens
    Nettle (Urticaceae)
    Nettle (Urtica urens, Urticaceae) is an annual weed commonly found in agriculture and horticulture. Most people call it "stinging nettle" because of its well-known ...
  • Veronica arvensis
    Field speedwell (Scrophulariaceae)
    Field speedwell is a small annual species, normally growing as a winter annual, germinating in autumn and flowering in spring. It looks very similar to
  • Veronica filiformis
    Creeping speedwell (Scrophulariaceae)
    Creeping speedwell (Veronica filiformis Scrophulariaceae) is a major problem in turf wherever it grows. Fortunately it is only found in some parts of New Zealand at ...
  • Veronica persica
    Scrambling speedwell (Plantaginaceae)
    This is a small annual weed which is commonly found in crops and gardens throughout the year as it can germinate in both spring and autumn. Because it never gets very large, ...
  • Veronica serpyllifolia
    Turf speedwell (Scrophulariaceae)
    As suggested by its name, turf speedwell (Veronica serpyllifolia Scrophulariaceae) is a weed of turf, though it can be found in pastures as well. It is a perennial ...